28 August 2020

PDF: Safe, Print; Pick One

Geek summary: If you print a .pdf and "enable all features", you're enabling all risks!

Adobe's PDF is a significant edge-facing risk, and unlike their wretched Flash, no signs of it going away soon.

The email risk

"Opening" a .pdf in a web browser is risky enough, but a bigger risk are all those automated .pdf emaul attackments; "invoices" spawned by generic accounting packages, "forms to print, sign, scan and return", etc. Even if there's a pretense at certificate-based "security", the sender still expects the recipient to trsut a handful of easily-forged pixels, boilerplate text, and a From: address as being "from someone you know".

Evaluating risk of incoming email links and attachments needs proof of trusted human intent to send, not just which human's system appears to have sent it, as malware is likely to spread via harvested addresses that can be used to populate both the From:, and the To:, CC: and BCC: sides of the fence. When both From: and To: addresses are harvested on the same infected system, the malware will most likely be "From: someone you know"!

Digital signatures proving it came from that user's system don't address that problem; you need to read the message "text" to see if the human sender intended to send the message and the attached file(s).  A smart sender will write such text, but the lazy, clueless or disinterested will not; when the accounting program or whatever pops up a boilerplate message (typically "you need Adobe Reader to open this file" with a link that one hopes doesn't point to a malware server), they'll just click Send without changing (personalizing) this text at all.

So we have all these near-identical boilerplate messages bouncing around, telling users to "open" files and/or click links to install software, with attached .pdf - and those files are exploitable enough, without the need to trigger heuristics by faking the file type to "open" raw code.

Risky "data files"

Risks from "data" files stem from the object model, that treats everything as an object, and all objects can have Properties (internal variables) and Methods (internal code) that other objects can use.  The human user is just another "object" that happens to be at the end of peripheral UI input devices.

This is the code equivalent of dumbing down user concepts of "read", "edit" and "run" to just "open"; the same safety-oblivious mindset underlies both, and the interface programming model makes this worse by swinging from reading exposed Properties to running Methods to return these.  That implies the object is now trsuted to run code, to get anything out of it.

Specifically, .pdf is designed to run JavaScript hidden from the user, and even if this script is prevented from "doing anything nasty", it can be leveraged to set up the stack to climb the exploit ladder to running raw code.  If you look in the Acrobat (Reader) Edit, Preferences section, you'll see other exploit opportunities such as multimedia, "opening" other file types, etc.

These risks have been obviously non-theoretical since the Concept "prank macro" and subsequent destructive (including hardware-killing CIH payload) Word and other MS Office macro malware, yet that didn't stop Adobe baking the same risk into the .pdf standard years later.  

Today's reading suggests Microsoft quickly saw the risks, but at the time, I remember the first response had two purposes; reassure users this was "not a virus" but just a "prank macro", and provide a removal method specific to that particular vir.. uh, "prank macro", as if there'd never be another one. It took years to (more or less) fix that "works as designed, won't fix" easy exploitability, and that happy period of easy scripting arguably established the commercial viability of malware.

Protected Mode

Fortunately, we have Adobe's Protected Mode to keep us safe - at least until we print.

I've always been creeped out when "reading" a .pdf and having to print it out, when that asks me to "enable all features".  What "features"? Allowing the "data file" to drop and run code?  Apparently yes, this is exactly what happens if this actually exits Protected Mode (not that Adobe tells you this in that happy "enable all features" dialog box).

It's also good to ensure you use Reader and not the full Acrobat as your default .pdf "open" file association, as full Acrobat duhfaults to disabling Protected Mode!

I hope you've been clicking this article's implicit links along the way, as that's where I "show my workings" as to how I understand this situation.  

Now consider how many of those links "opened" a .pdf in your web browser...

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